















We Are All in This Together. Gucci stands with its global community to fight the #Covid19 pandemic by making two separate donations to crowdfunding campaigns. Locally, in Italy where the company is based, a 1 million euros donation to the Italian Civil Protection Department #DipartimentoProtezioneCivile in partnership with @intesasanpaolo’s #ForFunding platform to reinforce Italy’s health services and to source new ICU beds. Globally, Gucci donated 1 million euros to the United Nations Foundation’s Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund in support of the World Health Organization @who through Facebook’s US$10 million Matching Fundraiser to monitor and collect data on the spread of the virus to strengthen ICUs across the world, supply protection equipment to health personnel and fast-track the creation of vaccines and therapies. The initiatives are captured in an original illustration gifted by Rome-based artist @mp5art, a person who holds their hand on their heart a message of human solidarity. “Gucci has created a world, open and free: a Gucci global community. We ask all of you to be the changemakers in this crisis, to stand together with us in the fight against the Coronavirus. We are all in this together,” say @alessandro_michele, Creative Director of Gucci, and #MarcoBizzarri, President and CEO of Gucci. Calling on our #GucciCommunity to join with us, give through our Donate Sticker on Stories to the United Nations Foundation’s Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund in support of the World Health Organization @who, and on gucci.forfunding.it to donate to the Italian Civil Protection Department #DipartimentoProtezioneCivile. Discover more about the crowdfunding campaigns through link in bio. Starting from tomorrow, Gucci’s social channels will feature the official messages of @who to help spread useful information and prevention for the virus. #StaySafe #FlattenTheCurve

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The administration of the fund will be entrusted to the Protezione Civile, which we thank for the immense work it does every day in the fight against the virus. The fund will be called “Sempre con Voi” and, for anyone wishing to contribute, can be accessed via an account opened by the Protezione Civile: IBAN IT66 J030 6905 0201 0000 0066 432 La Famiglia Della Valle, anche a nome dei propri dipendenti, dona la somma di 5 milioni di euro da destinare ai familiari del personale sanitario che ha perso la vita nella lotta al Covid-19. Il loro altruismo e il loro coraggio saranno per sempre un esempio per tutti noi. L’amministrazione del fondo sarà affidata alla Protezione Civile, che ringraziamo per l’immenso lavoro che svolge tutti i giorni nella lotta al virus. Il fondo si chiamerà “Sempre con Voi” e chiunque vorrà, potrà contribuire tramite il conto aperto dalla Protezione Civile: IBAN IT66 J030 6905 0201 0000 0066 432 #TodsLovesItaly

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一丸となって戦う!We are united, together, stronger. ドルチェ&ガッバーナのインスタ投稿のイタリアの国旗。




Uniti, insieme, più forti. We are united, together, stronger. #OrgoglioItaliano #MadeInItaly  #DolceGabbana #WeAreTogether

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